Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's for dinner?

Here's my back on the wagon clean dinner:

*4 oz Ezekiel Protein Pasta
2 tbsp Olive Oil
2 Cloves Garlic, diced
1/2 Red Onion
1/2 sliced red pepper
1/2 container of fresh mushrooms
1/4 wheat flour
1 egg
1 package firm organic tofu, cubed
1 tblspn crushed red pepper

Place tofu on paper towel covered tray and put more towels on top, place in fridge for 1 hour (gets all the water out)

Boil water for pasta

Heat 1/ 2 the olive oil and stir fry all veggies until golden brown and remove from pan.

add the rest of the oil into empty pan and heat on med-high

Crack egg and lightly beat

put all tofu in egg to coat

roll tofu into flour and place in oil.

Brown lighlty on all sides of cubes

Drain pasta and divide onto two plates.

Add veggies, tofu, and crushed red pepper and lightly toss.


* Ezikiel Pasta is a bit of a different taste and it needs a lot of flavor added, hence the red pepper. You could also use brown rice or quinoa and it would be just as good. Here is a link to the pasta:

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