Monday, February 14, 2011

Fab in Feb, week 2

As I mentioned in last week's post, thanks to a fabulous gal pal blogger (and old college friend) Ashley
I have found a fun fashion blogger who is sponsoring Fabulous in, where each Monday in February we must say 3 positive things about ourselves. It was tough the first week, but I have been reflecting and here it goes:

I like that I can read quickly and take deep meaning from what I read. As an English teacher and student, this makes life much easier. I can practically speed read. I am taking an online graduate course right now and I can get through 15 education articles with a screaming 2 year old in the room in less than a hour and then pull a decent refelction paper out of my butt that summarizes all the main points.

I love that I am a planner. I can plan the crap out of any vacation. We rarely forget anything when we travel and my to-do lists are to die for. People thought I was crazy taking a newborn and a 2 year old on a 5 day camping trip in the Mountains with no toilets or shower ...but it went off without a hitch thanks to my weeks of perfect planning.

Speaking of camping. I like that I am very low-maintenance. I camp, I hike, I am not afraid to travel through remote jungles of Belize with slightly creepy tour guides. I am tough and have carried a baby up a mountain without complaining. I have come face to face with wild animals without screaming. I do not need makeup or a mirror ever day and I think I am confident enough to try almost anything. I thank my mountain man father for this.


  1. You go girl! Those are amazing attributes. Everyone wishes/wants to be a tough chick!

  2. Oh man, your #3 is definitely something I wish I was! You sound so together- I love it! I love reading your positives and can't wait to read week 3 and 4! :)

  3. Oh! I had a hard time coming up with things this week too, by the way! We'll get through it together :)
