Now that our family of 5 is settling in and our help (thanks mama) has had to hoo, I am adjusting, healing and trying to slow things down, take it all in and not let myself get too overwhelmed or overtired.
That might be easier said than done, but if I pause and keep things in perspective, I think I will be alright. Another way to stay sane is just to be sure I get out of the house, go outside for a bit, drive around, visit a friend. Because staying in the house with 3 kids is nuts and even though it is a pain in the butt to get 3 little ones in car seats...the effort does help my mental health.
So I figured I would share my birth story. I know the reading of birth stories is not for everyone, so feel free to ignore.
Here is some back story for those who care
All 3 of my labors were all natural. My thoughts on natural childbirth can be found
My first child was 13 hours of active labor, most of which was felt in my back @ 39 weeks 2 days
My second was about 7 hours @ 39 weeks 5 days
and here is my third and final story............
At 40 weeks 1 day I was getting frustrated and just wanted to move on from being pregnant. My other two were born a few days early, so going past my due date was unexpected.
On Saturday May 12 I woke up in the morning having mild contractions. I had been having contractions of the same strength for a few weeks, however I usually did not have them in the I was hopeful. They were timing about 5 minutes apart, but nothing of any strength.
I showered, and as I was getting dressed I felt some unusual moisture in my underwear. I went to check, thinking maybe my water could be leaking. It was not water, but some blood. It seemed like what is grossly refered to as bloody show and mucous plug. This was a very positive sign, as I never had any of this before being in real labor with the others.
I let my mom and hubby know it was looking like today would be the day. My mom took the kids on some adventures and the husband and I started walking. It was a beautiful day and we walked along the ocean, in the yard, etc. Nothing seemed to be picking up all that much. I ate a light lunch and was sort of doubting my first thought of it for sure being that day.
At about 3pm I decided I wanted to lay down a while (which I am so glad I did). I was having contractions, but they were still mild enough that I was able to sleep for about an hour. When I woke up I was still contracting, maybe a tad bit stronger than before. I went to the bathroom and discovered more bleeding, actually it was enough to make me a bit nervous.
I decided I would clean up, get a few things ready and call the OB. I didn't feel quite ready to go in, but the blood made me nervous.
I ate a banana (after barfing while in labor the first time, I knew to be careful about what I ate) and called the OB. She wanted me to come in right away..and so were were off.
We arrived at about 5pm and went into the room where they monitor you before being admitted. They wanted to check my bleeding and monitor the baby and contractions. They gave me a saline IV just incase, due to the bleeding. My contractions seemed to pick up a bit as I got on the monitors and they were registering as being pretty intense and timeable (2-3 minutes a part). I got my cervix checked about 20 minutes later and I was 4 centimeters and 60 percent effaced...not a major change and this frustrated me (I was 2-3 centimeters and the same effacement at my last appointment)
However, everyone else seemed to think that was good and I was progressing nicely.
I was admitted, but the doctor insisted that I remain on the monitors throughout my labor.

This terrified me, as it meant I would not be able to move around as much as I had with my other two.
I stayed in bed on the monitor for just under an hour and then the pain got to the point where I had to move or I wouldn't make it. Babies heart rate was good. I spent a bit of time rocking back and forth and doing modified squats through the contractions. I even danced to some country with my husband. This was all right at the side of the bed because of the monitor.
I eventually moved to just the birthing ball and bounced through each contraction as my husband put counter-pressure on my back.

They started getting bad enough that I was moaning and having some pressure, but it hadn't been very long so I didn't think I was close. The nurse insisted that I get checked and I was shocked to be 9 centimeters and at -2 station.
The doctor offered to break my water, but I opted to wait a bit because I wanted baby to come down further...I knew that would mean less pushing. So after about 5 more contractions I knew she was coming and I screamed to the nurse that I couldn't get in bed because she was coming out.
As all good nurses do, she said you WILL get in bed and the husband helped her pushed me off the ball. As I did so my water exploded and the nurse yelled to the doctor that I was ready.
The whole room began rushing because she was coming and no one was quite ready. Also, there was meconium in my fluid so they needed a pediatrician who was not yet on the floor.
I had to breath through one contraction without pushing so they could get their gloves on and then I pushed, because I HAD to. With one push her head was all the way out and they started suctioning her due to the meconium. One and a half pushed later and she was born at early Mother's day gift.

She did give out one cry but then stopped for a minute so they brought her to the warmer for more suctioning and for a check by the pediatrician. My second child also had meconium, and all was fine so I think I was not overly worried.

All was well and after I got one stich (not bad, I had way more the other two times) I finally got to hold my baby girl.

SO I really only had 3.5 hours of active labor...not bad at all.
So now we are back to life and routines and preschool and being a family. I am feeling pretty good and am trying my best to enjoy the moment.
Today was the first time I had all 3 kiddos out of the house by myself. We picked up brother from preschool, spent some time at the school playground and then had a picnic lunch on the beach. It felt good to be out and I felt accomplished.

I will be returning to healthy eating, fitness and healthy lifestyle posts soon, as I am am eager to get myself back to being a healthy mama. So the next post will be a one week post-partum body/ eating update.